Weblog Entry - 05/12/2003: "Music, Shows, Stuff coming up!"

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05/12/2003 Entry: "Music, Shows, Stuff coming up!"

Alright, I figured I would let the fans know what's going on with Andreia. So far they have been practicing their set and working on new material. I don't know if you guys will get to hear new material by the 24th, but I am sure you will get a great show! As you know, or should know, May 24th is the next show for Andreia. You can buy advanced tickets at SomberReptile.com, but I'm not sure if you want to do that, because you can get a 2 dollar coupon for your tickets at FatDiseaseMusic.com. Do whatever you want, and yes we will have the 2 dollar coupon available soon enough, in fact we will be passing out flyers that have the coupon on it, so that's an advantage! As you know, the new mp3 has gotten much better feedback, but we still want to hear from all of you, so please go join the message board and let us know what you think on the "FEEDBACK!" post under the News/Discussion category. Other then that, we are planning future shows, hopefully some free ones, so you guys don't have to pay and Andreia is working hard on their music. Make sure you guys join the mailing list above and we will let you know even more news on that, before anybody else! That's all the news for now, make sure you come to the show!